DiSEqC is a new control protocol to receive digital and analog satellites in the EUROPEAN satellite reception system for the digital future.
DiSEqC was created by EUTELSAT and Philips company. It is a digital control mode, which uses a microcontroller (e.g. satellite receiver or IRD) to send a command via coaxial cable to select or control the received signal. (e.g. Hi/Lo band and Horizontal/Vertical of LNB, Satellite-B/Satellite-A, Polarization Skew, Positioner, …etc.).
These commands contain more detailed data to control any DiSEqC device, so it is called full DiSEqC (command) The mini DiSEqC (command) is a “Simple Tone Burst”, but is not same as Tone Burst of continued 22KHz and it is only used to select satellite-A/satellite-B in order to reduce the receiver’s software size (i.e. only mini DiSEqC function) and parts of 2×1 switch.In analog receive systems you can use 0KHz/22KHz and 14/18V to select Lo/Hi band, Vertical/Horizontal, but if you want to change between analog and digital satellites, there is no control signal to select. This is why you will need a DiSEqC switch, DiSEqC accessories and use DiSEqC command (DiSEqC receivr) to operate.
1. DiSEqC is an OPEN STANDARD with additions controlled by industry agreement.
2. DiSEqC (Digital Satellite Equipment Control) is a trademark of EUTELSAT
3. EUTELSAT (European Telecommunication Satellite Organization)
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