DiSEqC is a new control protocol to receive digital and analog satellites in the EUROPEAN satellite reception system for the digital future. DiSEqC was created by EUTELSAT and Philips company. It is a digital control mode, which uses a microcontroller (e.g. satellite receiver or IRD) to send a command via coaxial cable to select or control the received signal. (e.g. Hi/Lo band and Horizontal/Vertical of LNB, Satellite-B/Satellite-A, Polarization Skew, Positioner, …etc.). These commands contain more detailed data to control any DiSEqC device, so it is called full DiSEqC (command). The mini DiSEqC (command) is a “Simple Tone Burst”, but is not same as Tone Burst of continued 22KHz and it is only used to select satellite-A/satellite-B in order to reduce the receiver’s software size (i.e. only mini DiSEqC function) and parts of 2×1 switch. In analog receive systems you can use 0KHz/22KHz and 14/18V to select Lo/Hi band, Vertical/Horizontal, but if you want to change between analog and digital satellites, there is no control signal to select. This is why you will need a DiSEqC switch, DiSEqC accessories and use DiSEqC command (DiSEqC receiver) to operate.
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